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We're throwing a Q&A party about how AI is strutting its stuff on the marketing catwalk not just this year, but way beyond! As AI is blooming and becoming the 'it' thing in marketing, we just can't afford to stop being curious.

So, we're gonna spill the tea on how to make AI your bestie in marketing, other skills you'll totally need, and how to stay in the know in a field that's changing faster than TikTok trends with the one and only AI queen Heather Murray.


'Heather is an AI expert, Top 20 MarTech influencer and Founder of two businesses: Beesting Digital (content creation and lead generation) and AI for Non-Techies (AI training and education).

She regularly speaks internationally on the topics of AI and LinkedIn; both of which have been pivotal for her career. Heather's businesses enjoy working partnerships with the likes of Salesforce, Nokia and Starling and their impressive client base includes Unilever, HSBC and Mitsubishi.

Fiercely passionate profit driving purpose, Heather's businesses use 20% of their profit to do hands-on work with the isolated elderly in their local communities.'


  • Learn the most impactful ways to leverage AI in your marketing strategies, from predictive analytics to customer segmentation and personalised marketing campaigns.
  • Discover the importance of engineering prompts in the marketing space and how this non-AI skill can significantly enhance your marketing efforts.
  • Gain insights into the best resources and strategies for staying updated and educated in a field that's constantly evolving, ensuring you keep pace with the latest advancements in AI and marketing.
  • ai
  • digitalmarketing
  • socialmediamarketing
  • marketing


Attendees — 2

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Q&A on the Future of AILondon, United Kingdom