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BrainStation - 55-57 Rivington St, London EC2A 3QA, UK - 55-57 Rivington St, London EC2A 3QA, UK

Organised by BrainStation

*Must register through BrainStation's website to secure your ticket*

Learn how to start your career in product management with guidance from expert professionals at Paddle, YouTube and JPMorgan Chase!


How does one break into product management? What skills do you need to become a Product Manager? And what does a Product Manager do exactly?

Join BrainStation for a multi-disciplinary panel discussion that will explore the fastest-rising jobs in tech, including the growth of product management, what skills are most important for success in the field, career paths, and more.

Slaviana Pavlovich - Lead Product Manager AT JPMorgan Chase
Matthew Finnie - Senior Product Designer at Paddle
Nora Lama - Strategic Partner Manager at YouTube


6:00 pm: Trends and career paths in product management, UX design, and digital marketing

6:15 pm: Multi-disciplinary career panel begins

7:00 pm: Audience Q&A

7:20 pm: Networking

8:00 pm: Wrap up and next steps

Reserve your spot here.


Attendees — 1

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Starting and Building your Career in Product Management55-57 Rivington St, London EC2A 3QA, UK