Paid event
 -  (BST)
71a Leonard St, Shoreditch, London EC2A 4QS, UK

Organised by TCOLondon

Join us on the 23rd of October where we ask the question "Who are the Black figures that have been instrumental in shaping your life?” for Black History Month.
With just 6 minutes to talk and 6 slides to illustrate their diverse personal stories, we acknowledge the individuals of the Black community that have had the greatest impact on our 12 speakers. Hailing from all walks of life and across a broad age spectrum, our speakers will share the often untold social and cultural achievements and inspiration provided by Black people in the UK.
If you would like to share your story at 6 x 6 send a short overview of the person and rationale for choosing them with your name and age to the team at TCO London, email linked on the website.
  • blackhistorymonth
  • storytelling


 -  (BST)
TCO and Yellow Zine hosts 6x6 - An evening of storytelling for Black History Month71a Leonard St, Shoreditch, London EC2A 4QS, UK