Paid event
 -  (BST)
42 Islington High Street, London - Regents House, 42 Islington High St, London N1 8EQ, UK
This project aims to support UAL students and grads from B.M.E backgrounds to build the creative businesses of their dreams!
About The Bridge
If you are curious about breaking into the creative industries you want to join us for the next few weeks as Creative Shift and NatWest have invited a few industry friends to come in and talk through the journey from casual creative to billion pound business person. Through June we will cover the steps to building the confidence you need to make money from your creative skills.
  • Tue 6 June
  • Tue 13 June
  • Tue 20 June
  • Tue 22 June
Time: always 4:30 - 6:30PM
We are a community who understand that taking steps to making a living doing what you love isn't easy. Join us on this series to find out what steps you can take to establish yourself in the creative industries.
To keep up with us and find out what we have coming up next follow our instagram @connect2network.
What to Expect?
We will meet at the NatWest Accelerator Hub in Islington. If you need financial support with your travel please email Shani s.osei@arts.ac.uk who will be able to help you.
Over four sessions in June we will cover
1. The individual - how you see yourself
2. The idea - who is your idea for
3. Goals - what is your vision
4. Growth - how will you measure success and keep moving forward.
Why B.M.E.?
The aim of this project is to scale Black, Minoritised and Ethnic (BME) businesses. By taking an inclusive and creative approach to entrepreneurial learning that expands knowledge, know-how and network the project aims to support sustainable growth models for black and minority ethnic businesses.
We recognise the need for more support to be dedicated to developing ethnic minority businesses. The NatWest 'Time to Change Report' notes that enabling more EMBs to grow in line with the wider business population is just one way we could see the contribution of ethnic minority businesses (EMBs) to the UK economy.
UAL's commitment to social purpose and Anti-Racism Action Plan mean we cannot continue to develop and deliver projects that do not take into account the difference in experience particular student groups have or explore new interventions that have the potential to benefit all of UAL, especially black students. We are testing positive action work in the hope that we will strengthen the entrepreneurial pipeline by supporting emerging creative businesses to move beyond the concept and testing phase to long term sustainability.
For UAL staff seeking further clarification regarding Creative Shift's positive action approach please click here: https://canvas.arts.ac.uk/documents/sppreview/4074fb2e-3596-471e-8607-d3dd9c20a311
Who We Support
Creative Shift, are a team dedicated to supporting students who meet the following criteria, in line with UAL’s Access and Participation Plan (PDF 350KB):You must currently be a Home (UK) student studying on an undergraduate degree course at UAL and one or more of the following statements apply to you:
  • I am a Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic student.
  • My parent(s)/ guardian(s) have not completed a University Degree.
  • I receive the UAL bursary.
  • I am a care leaver or care giver.
  • I am disabled according to the Equality Act 2010.
  • I have taken part in the UAL Insights programme.
Creative Shift will also consider students on a case by case basis when a referral has been made by UAL staff. Please refer students to by emailing creativeshift@arts.ac.uk. Decisions will be made by at least 2 managers of the Creative Shift team.
If you know any UAL students or grads who this project may be beneficial to, please do share this eventbrite link for them to book.
Who can I contact about my access requirements?
If you believe there are any barriers to your participation in this event, or you have any access requirements you wish to discuss, we are happy to talk to you. Please contact us in advance by emailing Shani at s.osei@arts.ac.uk or call +44 (0)7885 976 664
What shall I do if I have specific dietary requirements or preferences? (if catering is offered at the event)
Contact creativeshift@arts.ac.uk to inform us of your dietary requirements/preferences.


Attendees — 4

 -  (BST)
The Bridge: Building Ideas Into BusinessesRegents House, 42 Islington High St, London N1 8EQ, UK