 -  (BST)
102 Berwick Street London W1F 0BT - 102 Berwick St, London W1F 0BT, UK

Organised by Wolf & Badger

Swing by our Soho store to have the opportunity to meet the designer behind Tricult and take a look at the crochet trends for this summer!

About this event
Tricult produces unique pieces by Brazilian artisans, promoting sustainable and authentic handmade fashion perfect for an unforgettable Summer. Inspired by all the diversity of a continental country focused on the work of women artisans from the North to the South of Brazil, Tricult creates designs with unique colour combinations.

Check out Tricult's collection on Wolf & Badger here.


Attendees — 3

 -  (BST)
Tricult Summer Crochet Collection102 Berwick St, London W1F 0BT, UK
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