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This is an online event

Organised by modelme

How is 2024 going for you?

Do you feel like the year is running away?

Do you need reminding of your purpose?

Join us for our vision workshop; to help get you back on track to having a prosperous, successful year in 2024. Sometimes we just to check in, hit reset, and be reminded of the gifts and calling upon our life, to help us run our race well.

How will you be impacted? Here's what we will explore:

  • Are your values and vision aligned?
  • Are you where you thought you would be?
  • What is your self-talk like?
  • Reflecting on goals set in January
  • Is it time to pivot? Do you need to write a new vision?

Worksheets will be provided for the session!

Modelme is a well-being business, on a mission to help you model the most authentic you.

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  • vision
  • workshop
  • community



Attendees — 3

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Vision: where are you heading?London, United Kingdom