Paid event
 -  (UTC)
This is an online event

Organised by Tech Circus

How do we combine customer-centricity with wanting to be efficient, agile, lean, innovative, and experimental?
About this event
Sometimes we are sacrificing quality, collaboration, and the customer experience to “just ship it” and find out very late and reactively if our ideas, products, or services had any benefits for users. Customers don’t want minimally viable anything. They want their problems solved and their expectations met or exceeded.
Business goals don’t always overlap with customers’ needs. Agile and Lean claim customer satisfaction is our highest priority, but are we delivering high value to our trial and paying users? The customer decides what is “quality,” “done,” and “good enough,” and their standards might be higher than yours.
Customers notice when we get it wrong. Our competitors, investors, shareholders, the press, bloggers, and social media notice. Morale suffers, and we might have trouble retaining or hiring the best leaders and staff. Great customer experiences require the right team and strategies in place to predict and mitigate the risk of delivering wrong or flawed products, services, and experiences (PSE). Marketing and sales initiatives have uphill battles when we are offering PSE that are difficult to learn, frustrating to use, or not meeting customers’ real needs.
What needs to change and how can we start to create this shift on our teams and at our companies? It’s not always easy or straightforward. In this workshop, we’ll look at models and approaches for a small or large business transformation back to high quality products and services that meet and exceed customers’ real needs.
Trainer Debbie Levitt will walk you through her process of investigating, diagnosing, planning, and creating change.
Key Takeaways:
  • Advice and actionable takeaways on strategic approaches to refocusing stakeholders, leaders, execs and others on the business side on customer needs, tasks, and priorities.
  • How do we interest and convince the stakeholders who don’t jump when we say, “Customers have problems”?
  • How to measure it all quantitatively and determine the ROI of improving the quality of the products, services, and experiences we offer current and potential customers.
  • Improving collaboration and partnerships.
  • Redefining our department and teams.
  • Identifying root causes that keep us from being more customer-centric. Strategising and planning change.
Format: 1 hour sessions, with 10 minute breaks between each. This workshop will take place in one day, across 7.5 hours.
This workshop will be hosted on Airmeet.


Attendees — 1

 -  (UTC)
Workshop with Debbie Levitt: Transforming Toward Customer-CentricityLondon, United Kingdom