Active Training Team Limited

Real Drama, Real Learning ...


Active Training Team is an award-winning team of professional writers, trainers, facilitators, psychologists, coaches and actors. We have over 20 years’ experience in behavioural-based safety and a proven track record for getting results. Our experiential and immersive training brings about behavioural change in people and organisations. People come away with a deep, lasting awareness of their responsibility for their own safety and that of colleagues and the practical communication tools to make a difference. Our approach works with senior leaders and managers, operational and site staff, contractors, back office teams, partners and suppliers. We believe people learn best by ‘doing’. We create stimulating safe spaces for people to practice and develop their skills; bridging the gap between the theory of the learning model and the reality of life in the workplace. Our immersive training combines interactive experiences, film, drama, live action, exercises, participation and facilitated discussion. Behind the effectiveness of our work lies a deep understanding of the way that heightened emotional and sensory experiences impact on learning, memory, recall, and subsequent behaviour. We can create tailored experiential environments, provide mobile ‘pop-up’ training experiences in site cabins or canteens and deliver training in offices, factory floors, conference centres and hotels. Whatever the location – the experience is authentic, tailored and very effective.

People who have worked with Active Training Team Limited