Backwell School has established over many years a reputation as one of Britain's best performing comprehensive schools at GCSE and A Level. Year on year our students do achieve very highly - in exams, on the sports field, in the Arts and in local and national arenas. In its last two recent inspections in 2008, and more recently in 2013, Ofsted judged both the School and the Sixth Form to be outstanding. Inspectors referred to the “can-do culture” that permeates the school and stated in June 2013 that “behaviour is exemplary” and that “in this outstanding school, all groups thrive, achieve highly and are very well prepared for the next stage of their education”.
Awarded to the student council and Backwell School Radio.
Backwell School has been selected for an important new role aimed at further raising standards. It is one of less than 100 schools in England to be granted teaching school status in this second wave. The designation by the National College for School Leadership entitles the school to lead the training and professional development for staff in the North Somerset and Somerset area.
Specialist performing and visual arts college status.