15 effective and free ways to spread the word about your freelance business – even if you are an introvert!

  • Maja Nenadov Webster

As a freelancer, you have to wear many hats – some you will be comfortable with, others less so. Many creative freelancers tend to be more introverted, and a little reluctant to put themselves out there. This is completely understandable, there’s the fear of judgement and failure. But freelancing involves taking risks – and if you want your business to grow, and to reach more people, then you have to start putting yourself out there – no matter how much it makes you cringe! Amazing things can happen when you do things that are just outside of the edges of your comfort zone. So here are some ways you can spread the word, and get your freelance business out there – and none of them are too painful, I promise! Continue reading here: https://freelancesuccess.co.uk/2021/02/17/15-effective-and-free-ways-to-spread-the-word-about-your-freelance-business-even-if-you-are-an-introvert/