2 Weeks until London Design Biennale 2021 Ghana Fundraising Launch

  • Chrissa Amuah

Alice Asafu-Adjaye and myself are delighted to have been selected to represent Ghana at next year's, London Design Biennale (postponed due to the Covid-19 pandemic). The exhibition is set to take place at the prestigious Somerset House. Multi-award winning artist and designer, Es Devlin, is the Artistic Director. Es has chosen Resonance as the 2021 theme. In setting the brief, she explained; "We live in an age of hyper resonance, the consequences of which are both exhilarating and devastating. Everything we design and everything we produce resonates… [Design] can positively alter behaviours and transform societies. Attitudes can evolve and lives can be improved when new ideas resonate and are adopted by extended communities." The Ghana pavilion, titled 'Amplify', is the conversation between Ghana and two of its former colonial masters, Great Britain and Denmark, over four centuries. 'Amplify' focuses on the ‘what ifs’ and ‘maybes’ should contact have been a balanced cultural interchange of ideas and trade. As a concept study, 'Amplify' will demonstrate how mutual growth and development benefits all. Highlighting the contrast to a period of time when Europeans were developing societies with art and culture at their core; at the expense of their colonies. This project cannot be realised without your financial support. We invite you to be part of the collective effort to achieve this. We ask for those interested in pledging their support for the project to please let us know ahead of the campaign start and we will send you more details. Please email us: londonbiennale2021@gmail.com With all that is going on in the world, the participation of people not often allowed a voice, to represent the continent of Africa, at the London Design Biennale 2021 could not be more significant and timely. We hope for your support to get us there. Counting down to Monday 21 September 2020 For the full article please see here. https://mailchi.mp/60290c642dc4/proud-to-announce-ghana-at-london-biennale-4916606


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    Somerset House

    • Arts and Culture
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    London Design Biennale

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