• Roshan Takhar

Banknotes are available everywhere, they arguably have one of the strongest marketing powers. The message they promote can be reached by everyone in the U.K. Repurpose the message conveyed on the bank note, by focusing on creating a greater awareness of environmental issues relevant to the U.K.

The Federal Office for the Environment conducted a survey, it found that just 21% of 14- to 25-year-olds believed that an intact environment and the chance to enjoy nature were important parts of a “good life”.
That was nine percentage points fewer than the already disappointing 30% of the whole population who agreed.
The present study shows that the readiness to change behaviour from an environmental perspective is especially decreasing among young people.
This brief highlights my ability to focus on the details and how they have informed my approach to the brief. It demonstrates how my skill set can be distributed to the exact needs and specifications of a detailed project.
What was enjoyable throughout this process was creating the note through undergoing a very critical, detailed process. Banknotes require a tremendous amount of detail, seeing how the patterns fit together, how the typefaces work in harmony and the small security ‘flaws’ displayed throughout it’s design.
At times it was difficult to piece all the individual elements together into one design, however I believe the final outcome displays a sense of visual harmony, whilst still fitting to the conceptual ideals of the £5 and £10 notes.