2018/2019 PR and Publicity campaign for Carole Middleton: Founder of multi million pound business, Party Pieces and Mother to Catherine, the Duchess of Cambridge


During the years of 2018 and 2019, Michelle personally launched probably one of the most talked about PR Campaigns in the Royal Family in history. Directing the Public Relations Campaign for both the Middletons and Party Pieces, the results were global turning Carole Middleton into a household name overnight and launching Party Pieces into a whole new era attracting transatlantic collaborations including Hello! Magazine, U.S and global, Good Housekeeping U.S with a reach of over 4 million and the FEED Project with Lauren Bush Lauren, granddaughter of former U.S President George H. W. Bush

Our big PR campaign for Carole in 2018 was to promote her as the successful business woman she was to celebrate the 30th anniversary of Party Pieces