A Five Hundred Word Story A Day For A Year

  • Andy Reeve ✌️

Update: 06/11/2020. The project is in full swing. So far, 107 days in, I have written 56,544 words. Every day for a year, I'll write a five hundred word story. Well, that's the plan anyway. 500 words every day for 365 days comes to a grand total of 182,500 words. That's a good figure for a novel. Each story should be able to stand alone, however by the end of this project, you can compile your own interpretation and story by moving each one around; kind of like William Burroughs using the cut and paste technique. Events in the news will be referred to as a method to show each story's fresh and impulsive creation. I've no idea where this will go, which is both exciting and "aaaaagh", but we'll find out. Thank you visiting my page and taking the time to read this. The words have already begun. The image of Charlie Kaufman marks the first day of this project. See my website(s) for links. Best wishes, Andrew