A PRESENT FUTURE: In celebration of World Mental Health Day

  • Ross Ferguson
  • Isabel van Zeller
  • Jet Braas
  • Mark de Lange

A comic by Freddy Carrasco, for Ace & Tate

In honour of World Mental Health Day, we’re very proud to present a comic created with artist Freddy Carrasco.

Having explored the theme of Balance for the past few months, we asked Freddie to produce a narrative that investigated the future of balance, and its impact on mental health.

Imagine a future in which we would all take a collective moment to stop and breathe mindfully: would the world be a kinder place?

The printed comic is available for a limited time only, online at aceandtate.com, as well as all Ace & Tate stores across Europe.

All proceeds will go to SANE, a leading mental health charity based in the UK.

Buy your copy, right here, right now.

Artwork: Freddy Carrasco