I developed and managed an exhibition programme across a period of 2 years which reflected the unique nature of an architectural practice which combines architecture, urban design and landscape architecture. Researching the trends and immerging themes related to the studios projects, for example but not exclusively ReWorking London, a 3 month exhibition planned and delivered as a part of the LFA that explored relocating housing and industry; Multi-Stories, a 3 month exhibition highlighting the future of car parks and the impact on our communities. I actively sought to liaise externally inviting third parties to host their exhibitions within the space. This included The Architectual Journals Small Projects Awards, followed by a photography exhibition raising awareness of refugess, as well as SEW's own 2019 LFA event - Fault Lines, exploring the sometimes forgotten lines between Londons boroughs. Required for all of these I critally mapped the programme schedule, the financial budgeting for the annual programme ( and the individual exhibitions or events) with team planning and management across contributing partners, graphic designers, suppliers and contractors. Statelite activities were also instated alongside the exhibitions to support business development and marketing opportunities. This required me facilitating a 'Super Club series', talks, and exhibition workshops.