Abandoned beer

  • Rod Veludo
Client: Bamberg Bier
Agency: Señores (senores.co)
After reading a Buzzfeed roundup of fun facts from news stories about eccentric Brazilian and famous musician Zeca Pagodinho, one jumped out of us: whenever Zeca drank too much beer close to a shopping mall, he would go to a pet store and buy dogs (it's common to have pet stores in malls in Brazil).
We thought “What if we could bring the two man’s best-friends together into a single product?”
Inspired to bring together two clients, pet adoption charity Adote um Focinho and Bamberg Bier, we created "Sem Dono" beer ("Abandoned" beer).  
So in March 2015, Bamberg brewed a batch of "Sem Dono" beer ("Abandoned" beer), with six different labels, each featuring a picture and brief description of an adorable dog hoping to be adopted. Drawing a parallel with the different types of beer.
With zero budget and great partnerships, the project achieved US$ 8 million in media impressions just in the first week of the campaign.
Bamberg company attracted new consumers, expanding their target. The “Sem Dono” beer became a permanent product of the brewery, changing the label periodically. 
All six dogs found a new home and the visits and donations to the shelter increased.