About The Lovie Awards

  • Emily Warren
  • Gianfranco Chicco

"This award means everything to me."

- Stephen Fry - Lovie Person of the Year

The mission of The Lovie Awards is to recognise the unique and resonant nature of the European Internet community – from Europe’s top web and creative networks and content publishers, to cultural and political organisations and individual creators.

Now in its eighth year, The Lovie Awards continues to celebrate the most resonant and pertinent stories in Europe. With nearly 1,500 entries from over 33 countries across Europe, the Awards reflect the tremendous growth of the Internet as a tool for business and everyday lives. Work in English, French, German, Spanish, Dutch, Swedish and Italian is judged by native speakers in five main category types: Websites, Online Advertising, Internet Video, Apps, Mobile Sites & Podcasts, and Social.