adidas Confirmed: Key City x Golden Ticket activation

  • George Harding The 'Why?': Our audience is generally frustrated when partaking in Confirmed app raffles and giveaways as they are used to losing. Therefore the majority will not interact with the campaign or even listen to what we have to say feeling it is a waste of time. To change this mindset, we proposed an activation where everyone wins. The 'What': Via the Confirmed app, adidas raffled off the chance to win the 'Golden Ticket'. A guaranteed win to all hype draws for the rest of the year. And to make sure no one leaves empty handed, we will reward all those who participate in the activation with a bespoke confirmed x Key City originals poster. We would execute this in both the adidas Key Cities of London and Berlin. The 'How': We dropped coordinates on the originals instagram to the activation locations in Berlin and London. There we hosted a brand activation where consumers could scan a QR code to enter the raffle via the Confirmed app. In both cities, we experience a massive influx of people coming to the locations as little as 25 minutes after the co-ordinates were dropped online (we held the London activation at the Originals store on Hanbury Street). We had the raffle sign up open for 24 hours, and after this time had ended, the winners were randomly selected for the Golden Ticket and everyone else who entered was shipped a poster. Everyone was a winner.