After Gramps

  • Remi Young
The death of a family member brings about some strange changes in a household. This ongoing project documents some of those changes. I am not sure what made me want to start shooting. I am not a part of the family, I am not immediately related to the deceased and i’m not sure that it is totally appropriate. For some reason I felt that this period of mourning was something that needed to be documented.

When someone passes their absence seems to colour the domestic space. It’s almost as if you can feel their presence more than when they were alive. Sitting in their seat, using their glass or mentioning their name can be a very unusual experience.

I am unsure whether I will ever be able to call this project complete as there isn’t really a time limit on mourning. This person is still gone and the gap they have left within this household will never be filled. However things keep going, some things have changed, others have stayed exactly the same.

For Gramps. (Da, Dad, John, Albert, Pops)