Alguns Nomes // Pedro Cabrita Reis

  • ingrid kraus
6th of Sep - 25th of Oct 2014
at Mul.ti.plo Espaço Arte, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
14th of March - 15th of May 2015
at Museu de Arte Moderna do Rio de Janeiro MAM 'Museum of Modern Art' Rio de Janeiro
'Alguns Nomes', 'Some Names' was a tribute done by the Portuguese artist Pedro Cabrita Reis to the Brazilian contemporary art scene; every light bore the name of a major Brazilian artist. 'Alguns Nomes' was first showed at Mul.ti.plo gallery.
The Museum of Modern Art of Rio de Janeiro (MAM) showed great interest in the light sculpture, which was later donated to MAM by a group of art collectors.
One month later MAM showed the sculpture in the exhibition "Poucas e boas ...! Obras da coleção internacional do MAM ".
The Mul.ti.plo gallery was also responsible for set up here.
Photos: 1. 'Alguns Nomes' at MAM, Museum of Modern Art, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil // 2. 'Alguns Nomes' at Mul.ti.plo gallery, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil