Allaura Interiors

  • India Ainsworth

Allaura Interiors are a fresh new company specialising in new and exclusive interior design solutions with a focus on leather wall, floor and furniture coverings. Their mission is to lead the way in this space by breaking away from the norms, providing atmosphere and allure through look and feel, and to set their clients’ interiors apart from the rest.

For the logo, I wanted to create something subtly monogrammatic. I designed an abstract, calligraphic A, and used it create a pattern.

This pattern resembles an ornate decorative tile: an aesthetically pleasing motif which enhances the brand’s identity of luxury homeware interiors.

The logo utilises classic flourishes whilst remaining uniquely modern, reinforcing the brand’s distinctive, luxurious identity
Utilising the emblem, I created a repeat pattern, reminiscent of patterns found traditionally in wallpaper designs. This further emphasises the brand’s connection with interiors, as well as serving as a visually interesting branding application.