Alt Marketing School 6-week certification

  • Fab Giovanetti

We developed a 6-week digital marketing bootcamp for professionals who want to do marketing differently and advance their career along the way.

Confidence that drives results.
Growth is what keeps you alive, upskilling gives you the edge to dig deeper. Build a unique toolkit that can help you advance your career, deliver stellar results through strategy and campaigns you are working on.
The old way is not working.
Develop your career and build your professionals brand with confidence. Learn how to bridge the gaps between marketing theory and execution. Become a better marketer and pave the way for future generations.
Mindset as a superpower.
Get a competitive edge by investing in your personal growth, as much as your professional development. Develop soft skills that will help you succeed.
Marketing for positive change.
Make a positive impact on the world and learn from the best. Learn from successful case studies and brands how to embrace a thoughtful marketing approach and apply it to your projects.
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Build your personal toolkit
From peer practice and templates to hands-on project wotk, you'll put your learnings into practise by bringing your own projects to life and share them with the world.
Think outside the box
From practical sessions all the way to presentations, experience a unique learning journey combined with the basic digital marketing principles that help you seeing results.
People-first approach
Master how to market to humans, not bots. Learn live with the support of incredible teachers and experts from different walks of life.
When the students become teachers.
You'll advise and get advice from peers, bring your ideas to the table and share from your own experience.
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