My body of work has been developed in response to a series of questions about the commercial and artistic aspect of a craft skill. This work has changed drastically, as up to February 2019 I was working on a completely different project based on concrete. Crochet originated in Scotland but became popular in the houses of the aristocracy where ladies were expected to pursue some form of needlework to pass the time. No matter its start, Crochet is a viable skill however it is still seen as ‘ woman's work’ and not as artistic or commercial. My body of work has been developed in response to a series of questions about the commercial and artistic aspect of a craft skill. In initially using scaffolding forms as my source material, found within the male dominated world of construction, and by using modern materials such as steel, silver and paper, my body of work, utilizing a mix of industrial and fine art, is hoping to challenge these stereotypes by transcending this skill into being seen as a commercial art form.