AQUA / Verona, Italia

  • Marcello Ghirardi Paganella

The double collaboration from Donata Lombardi and Marcello Ghirardi Paganella arises from the hidden human need to conceive art from the outside to the inside, from primitive to abstract. The mere judgment of the dress, which remains detached from the content, can become the glue between two seemingly contrasting poles. The artist and the designer, together, want to ex-trapolate it from the inside of the dress to interpret it suggestively in his living. The first collection starts from the primordial element which is water, understood as an element of life. These are eight evocative pieces of engravings and colors that the artist-designer combination extrapolates from the unconscious to offer a deman-ding audience the joy of dazzling their eyes. This site-specific was for the first time exhibited in Galleria Massella, in Verona, thanks to Licia Massella Curator of the Gallery.