Arsenal - Membership 2013


The truth about membership


Communicate the benefits and importance of Arsenal’s evolved membership scheme to existing and potential members.


By asking fans to talk about what Arsenal means to them, the creative explored and highlighted the relationship between fans and club, and revealed  that ‘belonging’ was something tangible and valuable – a common bond that put all fans in the same emotional space, whether they were Arsenal legends, celebrities or everyday people.
Although exclusive content and ticket access were attractive, the campaign therefore positioned belonging as the key benefit of membership, and by focusing on it demonstrated that fans were as important to the club as the club is to fans.


The campaign tapped into a membership truth which is often overlooked in the face of material benefits. It resonated with fans of all walks of life, with several celebrity fans asking to be involved with the next stage of the campaign.
It is the power of the insight that builds the emotional connection. I haven’t seen anything like it in football and that makes me proud.”
Charles Allen, Head of Marketing, Arsenal FC