Artemis Seven

  • Owen Schaefer
  • Gerrome Miller
  • Rae Zoe
  • Natalie Turner-Sylvester

My play "Artemis Seven" was written in close cooperation and collaboration with cast and crew from Toolbox Theatre and Loads of Talent. It is near-future play about the distances between us.

It is 2027, and six women have gathered in a London flat to watch the launch of the Artemis mission and support their friend Selene — whose astronaut wife is set to be the first woman of colour to land on the moon. Friends since sixth form, the group is ready to relive the parties of their youth, but time, isolation, and social pressures have put obstacles between them that are not so easily bridged.

As the launch draws closer, a shared trauma from their past threatens to undo the reunion. Will they reconcile themselves to the events of their past and the changes in their lives? Or will the distances between them grow greater still, as one woman’s orbit takes her further than anyone?

The characters in Artemis Seven were built through improvisational workshopping and through discussions with the cast about the issues that affect young women. With the real-life Artemis mission poised to return humans to the moon, we asked what, if anything, has changed since the last Apollo mission landed fifty years ago?