Association for the Prevention of Torture

  • Guillaume Le Roux

The Association for the Prevention of Torture commissioned an animation to explains how safeguards, in the first hours of police custody, can prevent torture and ill-treatment. Supporting the APT's work, this animated piece would also be used to convince States of the need for a universal protocol based on non-coercive interviews. I think the main challenge I faced was to keep the piece suggestive, also neutral in terms of locations and characters, to not point fingers at any specific country.

Client: Association for The Prevention of Torture
Agency: Nice and Serious Creative Director: Peter Larkin Producer: Alex Parvin Writer: Rowena Wyles Art Direction & Illustration: Guillaume Le Roux Character Design: Jade Evans Animation: Guillaume Le Roux, Jade Evans, Giulia Bavagnoli Sound Design: Serafima Serafimova  Voice Over Artist: Susan Rice