The world of Axel Arigato revolves around creating memorable experiences and bringing people together. Over the next 4 weeks, Axel Arigato will be creating a pop-up nightclub, called Nights at 14 Cavendish Square. Open every Thursday and Friday between April 28th to May 13th, Nights will have a curated programme of musicians and performances – and will be open to all. Situated in an 18th-century Georgian mansion, the venue caters to creative industries in London and feels like a cross between an art gallery and a historical home. Both the ground and basement floors will be transformed into its very own Axel Arigato night club. The entire experience will be an expression of Axel Arigato’s cultural community. In doing so, the brand has commissioned the madrid-based animator, Luca Licciardi to create the brand identity for the Nights project, and will be working with a variety of london-based artists, photographers, and videographers to generate an inclusive and creative event environment. In terms of the line-up, you can expect to see some of London's emerging artists perform, such as P-rallel, Santi Celeste and many more. Each week's line up will be released one-week before, so follow along the Axel Arigato events page for further updates and information. Produced @ Perfect Cartel as Production Director