Barnardo's Illustrated App - Wudu?

  • Matt Richards

Wud U? Is an educational tool for teachers & care professionals and is intended to raise awareness about the hard hitting dangers of Child Sexual Exploitation. The app aims to educate young people about behaviour that could put them at risk of being sexual exploited, through illustrated, interactive stories. It was a challenging project, producing 42 illustrations in just 37 days. I had initially contributed on an advisory level towards the project (which was funded by Microsoft). The selection process for the commission was primarily driven by focus groups of children who were presented a range of illustrative styles. The stories progressed with a limited colour pallet (based on Barnardo’s own brand colours) with full-colour images appearing at key points. The project also involved creating characters that would appear as avatars within the app. The app is available from the Windows Store, Windows Phone Store, The Apple Store, and Google Play. Wudu? also received TV coverage, and won a variety industry awards.