BIFoR FACE- Birmingham Institute of Forest Research


What is the client’s need? BIFoR FACE is an outdoor experiment operated by Birmingham institute. The project aims to measure the impact of elevated levels of CO2 on the woodland ecosystem. The institute wants to use this exhibition to attract funding, so they wish to evoke an immersive woodland experiecne and highlight the importance of their project.

What is the solution?
I plan to create a corridor covered by water-soluble wallpaper, when people first entering the space there is no changes but after more people come in, the humidity in the astmospher will increase due to people’s breath, then gradually the wallpaper will fade off.
The whole process metaphor the unconscious human activities can lead to climate crisis of the woodland and there will be an CO2measuring device (humid mesuring) to show the percentage in the atmosphere, which raising the awarness of the irrecoverble harm and giving the impression of the importance of BIFOR FACE experiment.