BigData x Smart Systems x Energy Cybernectics

  • Ghina Sabra

Systemisation of Systems through Cybernetics Efficiency in the use of natural and economic resources has become crucially important in architectural practice. Architects are tasked to design ‘ efficiency’ as well as spatial environments,. How is efficiency procured and maintained is a problem of the Cybernetic order. From the detail scale, that of architectural building material to the urban scale, a great potential lies in the systemization of things. Under the subtheme of Energy, this project interrogates the architectural opportunities provided by design and production of a culturally significant, smart energy urban district. It explores associated BIG DATA, technical proficiency, alternative design and production methodologies based on cybernetics. These range from force-based diagrams, dynamic and associative modelling, to digital manufacture. The “Smart” resolution is not a LEED or BREEM targeting design solution, but a re-generative and self-regulatory one; one that is able to adapt and evolve within its environment and over time. The project develops from the Old Oak Common master-plan proposal resolved according to energy cybernetics principles, to the design of a resultant prototype with a regenerative footprint. It deploys the design methodologies explored in other preliminary design projects and experiments. The resolution advocates that System Architecture and Urban Design capitalizing the use of BIG DATA and cybernetic rationale, can engender smarter and more sustainable social, economic, and environmental prospects and therefore drive a systemized evolution.