• Filipa Silva
Bachelor Degree’s Final Project
UTL - Faculdade de Arquitectura, BA Design

For my Bachelor final project me and my peers were challenged to contribute with a concept and product for our University.

The FAL UTL Direction was really interested in the idea of creating a new space dedicated exclusively for students and respective work. These space would be an ephemeral structure that could be removed from the place when necessary and it would serve three distinct functions: 1. exhibition venue 2. workspace 3. lounge space.

The project was then dived into two different sections: the Product (ephemeral structure) and Visual identity (this would include a logo and also the visualisation of an hypothetical exhibition showcasing the graduate students work).

Here you can see the 3D modelling of my proposal and also the visual identity created to name the event. "Blend" was the name chosen due to the diversity of projects, ideas, concepts and talent working together within the University. Product and Fashion Design projects would be displayed across the exhibition and for that I created three different rooms to separate the three different years of the Bachelor. Finally I choose to use some popular sayings (related with each settings of projects) as general titles creating a familiar language for the audience (which could be e.g. teachers, friends, parents,artists and students).