• Valentina De Marchi

BRIEF: 1 in 10 women and girls in the UK cannot afford sanitary products. How can we raise awareness on this issue? CONCEPT: The campaign aims to raise awareness as well as calling to action those in charge (and with the power) of improving society, by making the law. Menstrual products should not be a luxury but rather a right for everyone. Through the campaign is also highlighted how unfair is making luxury something needed for hygiene and health.


No one would expect certain women walking around with red patches on their clothing. Then why do some others have to experience such a situation? The campaign wants to make public the issue by using women from a specific life path, who do not normally find themselves in such a situation. The concept reiterated is that period is not a choice, therefore, sanitary products should not be a luxury but rather a right for everyone.

"Would you?” is an open question targeted to any of us. Would you walk around with red patches on your clothes? Would you let your daughter, your sister, your mum, your best friend, your girlfriend or your wife walking around with red patches on their clothes? The question wants to highlight that no one would, therefore no one should face such an issue.

"Join us. Show up for the fight” is an initiative that invites women and girls to show up in the street with red patches on their clothes. The idea is to raise awareness about the reality and call to action those in charge to protect rights and improve society.