Brain Research UK

  • Nikos Karakatsianis
  • James Carter
Brain Research UK funds research into conditions like dementia and motor neurone disease. Following a successful rebranding to make the them feel more positive, and counter the 'fighting' mentality often used by medical charities, they needed a refreshed website to match.

The Challenge

Work together with the brand team, an internal developer and a hands-on client to bring the bright and colourful new brand to the screen, placing emphasis on accessibility.


The start of the process involved getting together in a room with the client and roughing out some user journeys. There was a lot of discussion around how best to present the various areas of research the company undertake.

Colour Palette

The original colour palette devised for printed materials was causing issue with accessibility in the site designs. Considering that this was being built for a charity which focused on conditions of the brain, it was doubly important for us to ensure that the site adhered to WCAG 2 AA standards. 
I put together an accessible colour set which, while slightly more vibrant than their printed counterparts, kept with the overall aesthetic and put across the spirit of the brand.


In addition to placing a 'Donate' button clearly in the page header so it was always visible, I designed a simple donation box that would appear on key pages and help start the process. This also included a space for a video that would act as an explainer and to encourage people to donate.
In order to put emphasis on the importance of Brain Research Trusts work I created a series of infographics to highlight the conditions and students they fund, as well as the breadth of the conditions they research.



  • The Team logo

    The Team

    • Design