Brrh lets users use Pigeons for what they have been used for over thousands of years. Referring to the use of pigeons as messenger birds. Over the last 100 years, this technique has been forgotten. Leaving negative social stigma around these intelligent life forms.
Pigeons have a mind-boggling set of navigation skill that lets them find their way home from over 500 miles away. Brrh sets out to bring these now hated birds back into a modern light by using them for what they do best. With the latest pigeon recognition technology, Brrh allows the user to digitally tag their own messenger birds. Once a user tags a bird a name is assigned and other people attach messengers to this bird of any format. Allowing the owner to receive a feed of other people interact with his messenger.
Over time these common birds will become something truly unique. Carrying around content that can be viewed by anyone at any time for the life of that bird. Creating a living breathing digital cloud of messages in the form of multimedia content.