Bujji's Story

India has the one of the world's largest digital gender gaps. Every second, three more Indian people experience the Internet for the first time – but only half as many women as men are online, and just 12% in rural areas. To address this and make sure women don't get left behind, the Google team in India launched the "Internet Saathi" program, which aims to help women in rural India get online.
In April 2016, a small team from Creative Lab travelled to India to research and document the program. We learned that women in rural India are the heart of the home – the backbone of their families, and the nexus of their communities. We further observed that, when a woman gets online, she uses the power of the Internet to help those around her; it causes a ripple effect with benefits to many.
To tell the story of the initiative, we spent time with one Internet Saathi in particular and documented her impact on her community. The hero of our film is a woman named Bujji, from a small village in Andhra Pradesh.
Creative agency: Google Creative Lab London
Creative: David Bruno, Kate Baker, Hana Tanimura, Max McCabe
DP: Max McCabe
Documentary photography: Hana Tanimura
Translation / language support: Sweta Kutteri
Marketing manager: Thomas Palm
Producer: Olaya de Marcos

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