I have a passion for small to medium scale businesses especially start ups. Over the years, I've worked as a legal case worker, business developer, project manager and business analyst for companies. These skills and experiences have been instrumental for me in developing my company - Violet Simon. With over 10 years of experiences as an entrepreneur, I have been able to help start ups, freelancers and sole traders in managing their business, developing creative opportunities and projects that increase revenue, advise on legal contracts and smooth running of the company. The industries I've worked on are: media, fashion, art, beauty and tech. Some of the skills I use are: creative thinking, project management, sales and marketing strategy, recruitment, talent and career development, creative business ideas according to the individual or brands make up, website development, brand development, writing, consulting and counseling. I'm very perceptive and this also helps me in gaining insight to the mental and physical make up of the people I work with. This is very useful in knowing how to deal with each person and how to make the process a smooth and easy one from start to finish.
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