Business Books Every Freelancer Should Read

  • Maja Nenadov Webster

Treating yourself as a business is one of the most important steps you can take as a freelancer. It might seem silly to think like that, but it’s true. And the sooner you start to think like a business the better. Once you start to do that, you can start to attract more of the right work, and earn more money for doing it. But, most of us are creative people, we are not business people. We come from different backgrounds – some of us have a knack for business stuff, and some of us dread it. In my experience most of us creative freelancers absolutely hate the business side of the job. But that doesn’t mean we can avoid it. You don’t have to become an expert, or have an MBA, but it is important to build a solid foundation, and learn a few business fundamentals. This is where reading can really help you. There are many great books and courses that can take you from zero business knowledge to – Jeff Bezos in no time. I’ve found these really helpful and they can give you the practical knowledge you need to build and run a thriving freelance business. In this article, we share some of the books that have had the biggest impact on how we run our freelance businesses – we’re sure you’ll find them really beneficial too. Continue reading here: