Castillo Des Pommes (Live Brief)

  • Alberto Castillo

This was a BrandOpus live brief tasking me to create a UK cider brand that can give cider a new lease of life and how the brand could interact with the real world. The idea behind my brand "Castillo Des Pommes" was that I wanted to incorporate modern built up areas with wildlife; therefore my brands orchards would all be based in major cities within the UK as this was a big part of my research as I had seen local urban orchards popping up around the country and encouraging communities to get involved. The history of cider orchards was also a main resereach point as ancient orchards almost all came from monasteries, this is where the orchards would almost take over the concrete/ brick structures hence the name "Castillo Des Pommes" translating to "Castle Of Apples". This name subtly pays homage to the historic and organic craftsmanship of cider making. Through my own primary research I discovered that statistics stated that cider has almost become too strong for the average drinker, therefore I have created a trilogy of cider flavours all with the ABC percentage of 3% to allow a more of a pure flavour without the strengths of high percentage.