Celebrating 50 Years of London Pride

  • Bethan Elford
  • Shiva Raichandani
  • Elouiza

In celebration of 50 years of London Pride, Jecca Blac commissioned me to create a series of portraits and a community focused interview montage for their social media platforms. Pride is a celebration of people coming together, to show how far LGBTQ+ rights have come, and how in some places there's still work to be done. To celebrate, we asked 5 LGBTQ+ people to share why it matters to celebrate our community's 50-year milestone, and what we should hope for in the next 50 years to come. The wonderful people featured in this project were an absolute joy to work with. Jecca Blac is a gender free makeup brand that celebrates ALL makeup wearers.

Thank you to:

Maxine Heron, Lewis Williams and Nana-Yaw Mensah