‘Celebration of Colour, the Colours of Culture’

  • Ayoor Wassagou

We are products of those before us, who ventured far from origin home; in search of somewhere for their own. Over waves, vast bodies of water, bodies slaughtered, discriminatory ways disordered. Generational immigration led to our growing nations, something we must remember in celebration. We are descendants from those who ascended past western world hate, a generational debate on how we should appreciate the diversity of identity that has been blessed by those who initially were in search of a new home, a new place for us to grow. This immersive piece, inspired by my grandmother’s house in Marrakesh and the Moroccan tiles she has displayed, is to celebrate the colours, flavours and beauty immigration has brought to our western way of living and the ways in which the diversity of cultural identity here in London is overlooked and isn't appreciated for the multicultural hub we have created over centuries. We all have one form of immigration in our lineage, and it is vital we keep it alive and celebrate it.

using these photos from my projection photoshoot I created kaleidoscopic patterns using my models faces:
Finally creating moving image kaleidoscopic patterns too: