CHALLENGE + BUSINESS: the science of taste and health

  • Janne Baetsen
Organic food, bread, fat, sugar, fruit, vegetables and the importance of multivitamins. Healthy food secrets, diets trends, and the what-to-eat-do's and don'ts come and go. The media, the nutritionists, the authorities, the food bloggers and the critical consumers put the spotlight more than ever on health and food. But it's striking that restaurants and their chefs mainly focus on food innovation regarding the development of new flavours and cooking techniques. Crossovers with Nutrition and Health Science are not on the menu. Challenging and inspiring enough for me to work with Jean-Marc and Christophe Beaumont, the owners of Twin Peaks Hospitality and the renowned restaurant Harry's, to initiate the first 'Flavours vs. Health & Nutrition' experiment in their kitchen. The aim: to create the ultimate combination of healthy food, culinary quality and tasty flavours. AND set an example for other restaurants to introduce healthier food without losing taste or quality.
Dr. Ludidi and Head Chef Harry's Frank van Thiel. Dr. Ludidi is a renowned expert in the field of Llifestyle, Health and Nutrition. He has a background as a Nutrition Scientist (M.Sc.) and holds a Ph.D. degree in Gastroenterology.