Co-op Healthcare

  • Thomas Clegg

Each year the NHS spends £8 billion on repeat prescriptions, it’s second biggest cost after staff costs. But, £100 million of this is lost on unwanted or misordered medicine. Our challenge was to reduce the amount of pressure currently on the NHS, whilst also giving users more control over their own health by building and testing an online repeat prescription service for UK customers in 16 weeks.

When I joined the project, the Rx team had already been through an extensive 16-week discovery phase, in which they documented a 'happy path' of the service. This service map helped to build a shared understanding within the team, reduced the chances of working within silos and allowed us to visually map pain-points. In an industry as complex as healthcare there are often many moving parts and rarely do they happen in tandem. This map was crucial in enabling us to see where a pharmacy colleagues journey intercepts a users.

We used this large physical map to help tell the story of product - it was extremely useful in engaging key stakeholders and we ran regular sessions whereby we could interview experts and add their knowledge to our ever evolving document.

Along with our excellent user researchers, I helped run user interviews and usability sessions every 2-weeks. These lasted an hour and we split into 30-mins of conversation/surveying and 30-mins of direct user testing with a prototype of the product in its current state. These 2-week sessions were built into sprint planning and formed a sort of 'north-star' for our sprint goals each week.