Coming up for Air

  • Melanie Smith
Coming up for Air Book

Here are some spreads and the front cover for my publication about hidden green spaces in the City of London. I’ve called it ‘Coming up for Air’, as I feel it best represents the function and meaning of these green spaces. They are punctuation marks, places of respite, pauses amidst the hustle and bustle of city life.

These spaces are also steeped in history, if you sit for a moment you can see the layers of time surrounding you. There is a real sense of lives once lived. To demonstrate the concept of time and layers I printed this publication on a very fine - almost transparent paper – Offenbach bible 40gsm. The idea is you see the words and images coming towards you through the page. The pages themselves become the layers that you peel away and reveal what is hidden. These hidden structures of green spaces are revealed in the book, just as they are revealed when you take a walk through the City.