Conversations with 'Pain"

  • Cathy Kwanten

This is an example of my style of non commercial writing with a quick free-hand illustration. When writing for clients, I do so in Dutch, French and English.

Today I decided I’d set you free.
Because no longer, you equal love to me.

For I discovered, there is beauty and value without you, “Pain”. Therefore I am sufficient without you.

from here on now, a new understanding came to me … So once again, “Pain”, I set you free.
From the cradle I have been taught, in order to receive love … “Pain” you had to become present in my reality. But, dear “Pain”, so much sadness you’ve given me. Even if there’s so much beauty to be found, on another level that you embody.

Why a mother has taught me, to be worthy of receiving her love, I needed to be in pain … No longer has to be part of my reality.
So “Pain”, here I am telling you …
If you’re ready … you’re free to leave.

For today Love came knocking at the gates of my heart, whispering his songs of silence. Making me realize to open my eyes, for the wonder of new colors, loudly present in me.

So, “Pain”, … Love … my gift to you to take along on your journey, my gratitude for your presence throughout the years. You have made it possible for me to receive … The most beautiful moments of love a mother could give to me.

Today, I understand, this love is not the kind a mother should represent. Although I see the hurt little girl inside, wanting to be heard.

“Pain”, my old friend …

I do respect her choice, wanting to hang on to you…
But as for me, I call upon powers more potent than three times three … I deserve that new dimension, where love is light … A whole new specter of bright.

So, bye for now…

Out of love for the little girl in me, I now declare you free.