Cover Art for Carefree Black Girls book by Zeba Blay

  • Nadina Ali
  • Mireille Harper

I did this book cover art for Zeba Blay's book 'Carefree Black Girls', published y Square Peg books. The book celebrates Black women's contributions to pop culture which are often left unacknowledged. It also discusses issues such as colourism, fatphobia and the Angry Black woman stereotype. I really wanted the text on the cover to be colourful and uplifting so which is why I ended up creating a custom pattern for the letters to showcase. To mark the launch of book, I was also asked to create a shop window display for inclusive book shop Round Table Books which was a lot of fun to work on. I wanted the shop window to be a showcase and celebration of Black girlhood and womanhood so I recreated a dresser table with some of my favourites Black girl accessories. I also went all out with the party theme with balloons, confetti and even custom bunting handmade by myself. I really wanted the shop window to be fun, colourful and cheerful so hopefully I've achieved that!