Creative visual language of feminist typography

  • Ziruo Tong

Going over the visual language of feminist typography, we noticed how heavily weighted black typefaces are predominately used to emphasize the power of feminism, such as an attempt, an eagerness, to speak louder and be heard. This is for sure, a very important part of feminism, of a Chinese feminist identity, but is there anything else? It’s hard to find a language to describe what femininity feels like, or what feminism looks like. It is a colorful concept, it is tough, but also soft; it is something emotional, radical, and reasonable. We tried to illustrate such constantly shifting ideas through it, like an unpredictable stream, like an always-transforming feminist way of living. With the design of the letters “F”,”U”, she incorporated very organic shapes and curves into the drawing as a visual metaphor for the tenderness of femininity; with the design of other letters, she used a customized serif typeface called Ma'at. Ma'at was the goddess of truth, justice, balance, and order. This Typeface presents a clear-cut, authentic, elegant, and logical aesthetic.

Project Tags


  • F

    Feminists Unspeakable