
  • Nicola Sedgwick
  • Christina Ohanian

Culture Con is born from a shared sense of belief that as company after company strives to adapt to a new operating context where technology and digital products dominate the agenda, it’s people, leadership and culture that ultimately determines success. ”No matter how it looks at first, it's always a people problem.” So said Gerald M. Weinberg. Over the years, across companies and projects, we kept coming back to this quote - and we have to admit, he had a point. As three former colleagues whose work has revolved around technology, change and shaping cultures for over a decade, we set out to create a conference that dialled down the over-used phrases and well-trodden charts. Instead, we wanted a space to share and learn - practitioner to practitioner - with real candour and a practical focus on the messy business of shaping and leading cultural change. We hope you can join us. Full schedule, topic and speaker details can be seen at 18th Sept 2019 - Conference Day A programme of talks, panels and ask-me-anything (AMA) sessions led by tech leaders from across start-up, corporate and public sector environments. Empowered and supported teams can create awesome technology. 19th Sept 2019 - Deep Dive Day In a small group of around 20 attendees you will have the experience of in-depth sessions with industry leaders and the opportunity to work through specific situations affecting your own teams. Engaged leaders can inspire their teams to create awesome technology.