Daily Fail: Ethical Campaign & Print Design

  • Jazzy Olive

If you hadn’t already noticed, then you’ve been fooled! This publication is a détournement of the Daily Mail, aimed to mock their sensationalism by exaggerating (or exposing) editorial tactics used to excite and manipulate readers.

Arguably, those who read the news, do so to gain valuable insight and knowledge. Daily Fail intends to mock more than just the media. Messaging, such as “YOU FOOL” are adopted to provoke readers and encourage them to take a more judicious approach to news reading. If we can communicate and educate readers that their sources of ‘news’ are dishonest and manipulative, we can then encourage them to subscribe to considered and accurate news sources. By putting the power in the hands of the reader to make these conscious choices, we can create a society that is empowered by authenticity. Print readers and digital readers are primarily over 50, therefore, there is a huge gap of opportunity. Not only can we influence the older market to take caution, we can also produce a culture that engages with quality, trustworthy news.
Articles, from the Daily Mail Online and the Daily Mash, are included to test reader awareness. The back page reveals “YOU’VE BEEN FOOLED”, and reminds readers that if they didn’t notice the difference in articles, then they might need to consider why. I am urging readers to do their own research, and take value from quality news.

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